Depression Quotes: 25 Whispers of Hope

Depression Quotes

Here are some depression quotes for those who are experiencing depression in their lives.

Depression is a disorder that afflicts over 20% of the world’s population, but we as a society know little about it. Stereotypes tell us that depressed people are weak, unless they happen to be tortured artist. It can be difficult to understand depression, because it’s invisible. Those who have experienced depression are painfully familiar with the dismissive remarks of well-meaning but misguided friends, urging them to “snap out of it” or to simply “get up and do something”. Here are some depression quotes to give you strength and ray of hope. They offer comfort, encouragement, and empowerment, urging us to keep fighting, to keep moving forward, and to never lose hope.

“Sometimes when we trip and fall, it’s not just an accident. It’s like the universe is trying to show us something, leading us to something important that we were meant to discover on our journey.”

“The best revenge is none, Heal, move on and let karma deal with it.”

“You smile but you wanna cry. You talk, but you wanna be quiet. You pretend like you’re happy, but you aren’t.”

” I am hiding what I’m feeling but I’m tired of holding this inside my head.”

“Every thought is a battle, every breath is a war and YOU have to win the battle.”

“I’ll be alright. ONE day, SOMEDAY. Just not Today.”

“You wake up every morning to fight the same demons that left you so tired the night before, and that, my love, is BRAVERY.”

“You are afraid to tell people how you feel because it will destroy them, so you bury it deep inside yourself where it destroys you.”

“Nobody knows what you feel inside.”

“Depression, suffering, sadness and anger are all part of being human….It’s alright!”

“I’m just gonna try it again tomorrow.”depression quotes

“After all this time….I don’t know how to fee. But I want to keep trying.”

“Cry as much as you’d like until you feel better. That is how you can live for tomorrow.”

“The bravest battles are fought within. Every sunrise is proof that you’ve conquered the darkness once again.”

“In the orchestra of life, your struggles compose a powerful symphony. Each note contributes to the masterpiece that is you.”

“Your feelings are like the weather. Stormy days pass, and sunshine follows. Embrace the forecast of your emotions.”

“Think of self-care as the oxygen mask on a turbulent flight-you must put yours on first before helping others.”

” Do you know what it’s like when you wanna go cry but can’t let out all the feelings inside…”

“Do you feel like the whole world is rejecting you? Nobody out there accepts you…. Remember it’s just in your head!”

“We all have this one song that just plays on repeat to get us through the day…” (About damn time)

“Often times, it feels like I’m chained in a dark room not knowing I hold the key.”

“Stop drowning for people who won’t even get in the damn water for you.”

“Dear depression….You need to leave me alone otherwise I’ll kill you!”

“Never allow loneliness to drive you into the arms of someone you know you don’t belong with.”

“We repeat what we don’t repair.”

“These depression quotes are like little boosts of courage when you’re feeling down. They remind you that even though things might seem tough, you’re stronger than you think. They’re like friends whispering in your ear, saying, ‘You’ve got this.’ They make you feel less alone and more hopeful, like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. So, when you’re feeling low, just remember these quotes—they’ll help you find your strength and keep going.”







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